Winnington Metal exhibit in Exclusively Show 2021

2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year for our Winnington team as we eagerly await the opportunity to showcase some fantastic cookware at the Exclusively Housewares Show in London this August.
There, we will proudly announce the U.K launch of the Saveur Selects Voyage and Artisan ranges, our licensed partnership products. Both soon available to U.K distributors and retailers.

In 2020 we were delighted to receive a Good Design award for our Voyage Series triply cookware, designed in collaboration with Prime Studios NY and our brand partners in the Saveur test kitchen. It was a pleasure to be recognised for the hard work and 46 years of manufacturing experience we committed to the project. (Link to our Article here if possible- See below)

We are confident the U.K market will see the sophisticated beauty and premium construction in our cookware and consider upgrading when investing in their home kitchens.
For more information about the Cookware we’ll be taking to the Exclusively Show please contact @DennisNg

Or find out more here:

#Cookware #ExclusivelyHouseware #SaveurSelects #GoodDesignWinner #WinningtonMetal #ProductLaunch
#Saveur #ExclusivelyShow